For theatre... online, non-professional, amateur

Whoosh! Another year has been and gone (Foreword)

Is it us or does time pass more quickly in theatre?

We wish our new website would arrive as fast. We promise it’s on the way but, apparently, the delay is all to do with data transfer. More on that as it happens.

By tradition we bring you our annual Panto Special; twenty-seven pages of information and advice to help you with your plans for the next festive season’s production.

If you have sent in some photos you may even find your society on our photo spread.

The other staple of the amateur theatre diet is, of course, farce. This issue’s cover story brings you our interview with one of the stars of John Cleese’s new masterpiece, Bang Bang!, Tessa Peake-Jones – known to millions as, Raquel, long-suffering wife of Peckham’s Del Trotter in Only Fools and Horses. As well as Bang Bang! Tessa talks about those ‘Only Fools…’ days and how she mastered the art of comedy, working with the best.


Paul & Fariba
