For theatre... online, non-professional, amateur


Image: Denise with Duncan Banatine who invested in Razzamataz after she appeared on the BBC’s Dragon’s Den in 2007.

The pandemic has caused consumers to live differently, buy differently and think differently. It has also massively changed people’s priorities, which is why as a business we have learnt to adapt to their ever-changing needs.

Razzamataz Theatre Schools is a franchise network that places customers at the heart of all we do. As the franchisor, we advise, support and train franchisees across the UK on how to run their theatre schools. The key lesson that we instill in them is that they must connect with their customers and their communities.

While this has always been at the heart of our ethos, it is even more relevant now with people placing a greater emphasis on supporting local businesses. We must also appreciate that parents and families have gone through a very difficult year and we must be able to show them our support and that we truly care about them and their children.

As a Head Office, we ensure that we are always communicating with our franchisees and, in turn, encourage them to communicate with their customers. From a practical point of view, this means we ensure that we provide lots of template documents and social media updates so franchisees can personalise them easily to their own school.

With more than twenty years’ experience of running theatre schools and working with franchisees, I’ve learnt that in business, hard work always pays off. We have franchisees who have no experience in the performing arts industry but are still really successful. The only thing that our most successful theatre school owners share is their commitment to learn, positive attitude and their desire and drive to be successful.

I also firmly believe that you won’t be successful in your business in you are not truly passionate about it. Although I’ve been doing this for more than twenty years, I still get really excited when new opportunities present themselves. To work in a sector that combines performing arts and children’s education is a real privilege and I will never take it for granted. The franchisees that we invite into the network must share this passion; we can give them all the training and practical guidance they need to run a theatre school but the commitment to improve young people’s lives through performing arts must come from them.

Finally, I strongly believe that you must be open to change and adapt where necessary. This year has shown us all that there can be huge rewards if you are willing to adapt to the situation around you. If you truly believe that your business can benefit the community don’t be afraid to shout about it. Children and families need the support of activity providers now more than ever so keep communicating the positive benefits with case studies and testimonials to show the many ways in which we can provide increased opportunities for young people.

Telephone: 07821 122242

What is a franchise?
Walk along any UK high street, pick up any product or think of a service and chances are that they will be part of a successful franchise brand. A franchise is a business that gives the right to another person to sell goods or services using its name in exchange for a franchise fee. In return, that individual will receive training, marketing and support to become part of the network.

Different levels of investment
Every franchise has a different level of investment. Brands such as McDonald’s, Domino’s and Starbucks can cost up to £300,000 pricing it out of reach for many people. Razzamataz is a low investment franchise, costing between under £8,000 to under £10,000 although the return on investment is excellent.

How much money can I make?
Franchisees at Razzamataz report six figure turnover and 70% gross profit. Unlike many other franchise networks, the management fee is just 10%. As a long-term investment, the franchise offers huge potential. One franchise school is currently on the market for sale for £200k, having been purchased ten years ago for just under £10,000.

How to fund a franchise
Razzamataz Theatre Schools has been a successful business for more than twenty years. This means that many high street banks are willing to lend to potential franchisees because individual success has been proved time and time again. Razzamataz has easy access to funding via Barclays, offering many people the opportunity to join the network.

Finance options
Barclays has a specific department to help franchisees. Whatever bank you choose to go with, make sure this is the department you speak to. Services offered at Barclays include:
Funding for start-ups, multi-operator and re-sales.
Loans tailored to your unique franchise requirements.
Free banking for twelve months to help you get your franchise off the ground.
Bespoke pricing, pre-determined lending rates and unsecured finance options.

Where to start researching your franchise
The Internet and social media is a great first point of contact. After that, you need to dig a lot deeper and meet the franchisor and other franchisees. Discovery Dens are informal meetings between the franchisor and potential franchisee to learn more about each other and whether they are a good fit. Before embarking on a Discovery Den, it is advisable to do some initial research so you can get lots out of the meeting and leave with a clear understanding of whether you want to take the next steps.

What to expect from a Discovery Den at Razzamataz
Currently, all Discovery Dens are held virtually. You can meet the team from the comfort of your own home. However, this doesn’t mean the experience is any less thorough and you are encouraged to ask lots of questions and you will find out more about franchising in general, what training and support you will be given at Razzamataz and to find out if you are suitable to run your own theatre school.

What to expect

  • Meet the Head Office team.
  • Meet other franchisees.
  • Speak to our Founder Denise.
  • Learn more about franchising.
  • Find out about being a theatre school owner.
  • Get the inside scoop on Dragons’ Den.
  • Tips for would-be entrepreneurs.
  • Find out about new opportunities.
  • Huge savings and discounts available for the right candidates

What to ask the franchisor
Denise Hutton-Gosney is the MD and Founder of Razzamataz Theatre Schools. She has been a franchisor since 2007, giving her years’ of experience supporting franchisees. These are her top tips on how to prepare and what questions to ask:
Visit the franchisor’s website and read through all prospectuses and marketing material. Check out social media and in particular, testimonials from customers and other franchisees.
Have a list of questions prepared before you go. At Razzamataz, our Discovery Dens are very thorough and we usually cover all questions during the presentation but it is best to be prepared.
Think about your own skills and experience and what you can bring to the role. At Razzamataz, we have a stringent vetting system to only recruit the very best to ensure the high standards of our schools.

Why franchise when you could be an independent?
This is a question that is often asked before people truly understand what it takes to run a theatre school. Michaela Crumpton, franchisee Razzamataz Bristol North and South says: “Many people have said to me ‘why are you part of a franchise?’ ‘Why not set up independently’. These are all great questions and to an outsider it would be the obvious thing to be independent. But let me explain why I believe I’ve survived a year of turbulence and feel stronger. Being part of a franchise has been like having a whole family holding me up. Looking at many of our independent competitors, they have either vanished or been dormant for the last twelve months. I can’t recommend Razzamataz enough. Their support has been incredible and it even inspired me to take on another school during lockdown.”

Join our team
Join our multi-award winning team. We are looking for dynamic and passionate partners to own a Razzamataz Theatre School! Contact us on 07821 122242 or by visiting and speak with us about our business opportunity to become a Razzamataz Principal today.

All training is done remotely from the comfort of your own home!

Re-sale opportunities
Occasionally franchise territories come up for re-sale due to a change in the franchisees’ personal circumstances or simply because they have decided to sell their asset and reap the rewards of their hard work. These re-sale schools very rarely stay on the market for long, so if you are interested, don’t delay in contacting us. Re-sale schools in:
High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Paisley, Renfrewshire
Horsham, West Sussex
Derby, East Midlands

Facebook: @RTSLtd ~ Instagram: @razzschools
Twitter: @razzschools ~ LinkedIn: Razzamataz Theatre Schools

Franchise lingo If you are new to franchising, here are some of the main terms that you need to be familiar with:
Franchise: the right given by one business to another to sell goods using its name
Franchisee: a business that agrees to manufacture, distribute or sell branded products under the licence of a franchisor
Franchisor: a business that gives franchisees the right to manufacture, distribute or sell its branded products in return for a fixed sum of money or royalty payment
Operations Manual: a document that contains all of the information necessary for the franchisee to be able to operate the business.
Exclusive Territory: a geographically defined area inside which a franchisee can operate.

YOUR NEWS – Franchisee Case Study

YOUR NEWS – Franchisee Case Study

Marc Kelly – Razzamataz Hackney and soon to be Razzamataz Radlett

Above: Marc with his Razzamataz students

Meet multiple franchise owner with Razzamataz Theatre Schools, Marc Kelly, as he celebrates five years in the network and is about to launch his second territory.

A professional performer & theatre arts teacher all his life, Marc initially studied for a degree in musical theatre in Carlisle and then went on to the Guildford School of Acting (GSA).

For the last ten years – except for 2020 – he’s been a panto dame.

While in Carlisle, Marc saw an advert for a drama teacher in the first Razzamataz school run by MD and founder, Denise. After applying he ended up working for both Carlisle and Penrith schools. At that time Denise appeared on Dragons’ Den after which Duncan Bannatyne visited.

The flexibility of running a franchise alongside a full-time job was rewarding and Marc received strong support from head office.


Franchising Influencer – Meet the Woman Behind the Theatre School

Franchising Influencer – Meet the Woman Behind the Theatre School

Image: Denise Hutton-Gosney celebrating at the Razzamataz Conference 2020 complete with the company’s 20th birthday cake at Atmosphere Venues in Millbank, London.

Congratulations to Denise Hutton-Gosney, MD and Founder of Razzamataz Theatre Schools!

Denise has been announced as one of the 100 Influential Women in Franchising 2020 in the Education and Children’s sector. We chat to Denise about her twenty-plus years’ experience, juggling running a business with being a Special Educational Needs (SEN) parent, what the pandemic has taught her and her exciting plans for the future.

What’s your background?
I was born in Renfrew, Scotland in 1972. I was the youngest of four children and money was very tight. My oldest brother has cerebral palsy and there was very little support for families at that time, causing additional pressure for my parents.
I was a very shy child, but I loved to dance and, although it was a stretch financially for me to attend dancing classes, my parents often went without so I could continue my passion, which included competing in lots of disco dancing competitions. When I left school, I worked as a professional dancer performing in summer seasons, luxury cruise ships, pantomimes, the London Palladium, European and UK tours and training to be a trapeze artist as part of The Millennium Dome (now the 02).

What were the reasons behind launching Razzamataz?
After my career as a dancer, I knew I always wanted to stay within the performing arts industry, so I opened the first Razzamataz in 2000. The idea was to create a place where children and young people could be nurtured and supported. Performing arts gave me the confidence that I was lacking as a child so I understood first-hand how it could change lives. I was hugely ambitious so when the opportunity came to appear on the BBC’s Dragons’ Den in January 2007, I jumped on it and that pushed my business to new heights after Duncan Bannatyne offered me the full investment.

What attracted you to the franchise sector?
I opened the first Razzamataz in 2000 and, in the early days, I moved around the country, first setting up several schools in Cumbria, Paisley, Dumfries and Galloway. The classes were so popular that I couldn’t keep up with demand, so the idea to franchise was just to meet the obvious need. Initially the franchisees were dancer friends of mine who wanted more financial security and the career growth which comes from owning a theatre school. Today, our franchisees come from a wide variety of backgrounds. We have many parents who love it because of the flexibility it offers. We have former performers who, like me, were desperate to stay in the industry but have a regular income and a financially secure future, and we have many teachers that want more control over their careers.

How do you manage being aN SEN parent wHILE running a business?
In January 2017, my youngest son Lewis who was just two, was diagnosed with a potentially life-threatening illness: type 1 diabetes. He has a very complicated care plan that has been difficult to manage but we are making good progress. Caring for Lewis has made me fully appreciate the struggles that other SEN parents go through. I’m lucky that I have my own business so I can work around Lewis and his complicated needs. He can’t always attend school and were I employed in a more traditional 9-5, I just don’t think I would manage. There are other franchisees in the Razzamataz network that also have SEN children so we are a good support to one another. As a theatre school network, we go out of our way to make each Razzamataz as inclusive to all children as possible regardless of any physical or emotional difficulties they may face. Lewis loves being a student at Razzamataz Penrith and Razzamataz Carlisle and I get such joy from seeing how many other SEN children and siblings have benefitted from being a part of our schools.

What was the impact of the pandemic on the business?
We had done lots of work to prepare for Covid-19, we knew there would be disruption but I don’t think anyone could have predicted what was to come. Every one of our schools had to close its doors but we knew that we couldn’t just abandon our students. We worked night and day to prepare our franchisees for taking their classes online, delivering the information in bitesize chunks to not overwhelm them. It was incredibly stressful but as soon as the children started the classes and all the additional free activities that we offered, the testimonials from parents thanking us came flooding in. Today, 100% of our theatre schools are now reopened, so children can get back to doing what they love. On average, we have between 70%-90% student return rate, demonstrating that our communication and support of our customers during lockdown has been reciprocated with their customer loyalty.

What are the most rewarding aspects of your role?
My dad died when I was just twenty-three, leaving us as a family with difficulties to pay for his funeral. My brother still lives with my mum who is nearly ninety (and my hero). Through building Razzamataz, I have become financially secure and was able to buy my mum’s house, take her on holidays and treat her to meals out. Her struggle gave me a better life so it is lovely that I can do this for her now. I’ve been able to meet many inspiring people through Razzamataz. We’ve worked with Ashley Banjo and Diversity, lots of different Broadway and West End stars and business mentor and author Penny Power OBE.
Through these collaborations, we have seen our franchisees become hugely successful in their own right, winning prestigious awards and being financially independent. However, the most rewarding aspect is always watching the children progress. It’s a privilege to watch these shy young children become confident adults. I’ve former students who are now starring in musical theatre shows in the West End and so many others who have gone on to have successful careers. And they still credit their time at Razzamataz for giving them the confidence to follow their dreams.

What advice can you offer anybody considering a franchise?
Research what level of support you are going to receive. We heavily invest in our franchisees at every stage of their growth. Training is just the very start of it; we continue to offer one-to-one support, growth hubs, webinars with industry experts and free attendance to our yearly regional meets and Conference and Awards Night. Make sure you speak to other franchisees in the network and don’t forget to find out what customers think of the brand by doing some research on social media.

What are the key things you have learned in business?
Build a great team around you and invest in people that will take your business to the next stage. I’ve worked with the same people for fifteen years now and we are a loyal and close-knit team although we also know how to have fun. Business is about making connections with people, being open to new ideas and taking everyone with you on a journey of growth.

What are your Future plans?
We are really excited to be working with Matt Fiddes, former bodyguard to Michael Jackson and a successful entrepreneur and franchising expert. Matt runs one of the largest chains of martial arts schools in the world with more than 1,000 locations and he has been working closely with us to help the entire network become more profitable and to bring further enrichment to our students’ overall experience. He will also be looking to improve and streamline the operations and ultimately improve profitability. Matt has been incredible in this uncertain time and is working with us to provide even more opportunities for both students and franchisees.

Read more about the 100 most Influential Women in Franchising HERE

Razzamataz is currently looking to launch more theatre schools across the UK and overseas. So if you would like to find out more about the company’s ambitious growth plans and be part of the multi-award-winning network, you can drop Charlotte a line as part of the Razzamataz Head Office team to book one of the company’s virtual Discovery Dens.

Telephone: 07821 122242
Facebook: @RTSLtd
Instagram: @razzschools
Twitter: @razzschools
YouTube: RazzamatazTheatreSchoolsLtd
LinkedIn: Razzamataz Theatre Schools

Dragons’ Den-backed theatre school franchise responds to arts crises (Your News)

Dragons’ Den-backed theatre school franchise responds to arts crises (Your News)

By Karen Keeman

The world has changed and the impact the pandemic has had on theatre schools has been huge. However, the ones that are quickly rebuilding are the ones that have never stopped communicating with families and students, providing them with much-needed stability during this challenging time.

With more than twenty years’ experience, Razzamataz Theatre Schools quickly and diligently responded and helped each of the principals within the network to pivot their business and become much more visible online. The small, interactive online classes proved to be such a hit, that many of the principals will continue to offer this as part of their service even after schools reopen in September.

Everybody at the head office wanted to reach out to people who have lost their jobs in the theatre because of Covid-19 with an exceptional offer to join the award-winning network by offering a unique opportunity to own and run their own theatre school franchise without paying a joining fee and no MMF until 2021.

“We acknowledge that we are all in unchartered waters right now and there are many highly talented and motivated individuals who would make fantastic franchisees but who don’t necessarily have the funds,” explains MD & Founder Denise Hutton-Gosney. “Furthermore, if performers want to go back to the theatre and perform, we have a management option available. Our beloved performing arts industry has been so badly affected by lockdown, we are looking at all ways in which we can help.”

To reach out further to those working in the arts that have lost their jobs, Razzamataz will be running a number of live events speaking about everything they have learnt as a business and the skills that you need to work in the arts going forwards.

“We have learnt so much that we wanted to share our top tips and success stories about how to engage students and why we believe that an online offering will actually enhance your dance or theatre school, even after Covid-19,” adds Denise. “If you are a teacher, being able to say that you can successfully run online performing arts classes will be increasingly important in the future and we are happy to share our learnings with others working in the arts.”

Other interactive sessions with the team at Razzamataz include speaking to our current franchisees about how they have carved out a career in the performing arts while having a steady income running a theatre school.

“Performers and theatre arts teachers also have so many skills that they probably don’t even know they have and with our training and support, they can turn this into a rewarding new career,” adds Denise. “Our online sessions will help them to understand the skills they have and take back control over their life so they are not always waiting for their next job. Our network of theatre school franchisees is made up of people who have a positive mindset and the desire to inspire the next generation of young performers. We teach the business skills and give them access to our twenty years of experience and they bring the drive and enthusiasm to create theatre schools that are truly special places for children to learn performing arts, build their confidence and make new friends.”

Throughout the pandemic, Razzamataz has actually welcomed five new franchisees to the network. “If you’re considering starting a franchise then I would highly recommend Razzamataz,” explains Heather Hurd-Sinclair, Principal Razzamataz Wimbledon. “I took over as a Principal in April in the midst of the lockdown and I have not regretted my decision. The support and encouragement I have received has been second to none. Head Office has provided us with training, updated resources and also one to one support to ensure that our businesses adapt and thrive. Nothing is too much trouble and I feel fortunate that during these challenging times I am part of a network that has such a passion for what it does.”

The four online sessions are free to access and cover lots of different elements of working in the performing arts industry. For those that want to learn more about opening their own Razzamataz Theatre School without having to pay a joining fee, there is an opportunity to be invited to an online Discovery Den where attendees learn more about Razzamataz and franchising in general.

To speak to the Razzamataz head office about how to join its network including information on the online Discovery Dens and theatre arts training sessions then please email: or visit
Facebook: @RTSLtd
Twitter: @razzschools

National Photoshoot for Young Performing Students (Your News)

By Karen Keeman

Lights! Camera! Action! Students who attend a national theatre school franchise have been given the exciting opportunity to attend a professional photoshoot with esteemed performing arts newspaper, The Stage.

The photoshoot was part of the prize for the youngsters who entered a national competition in association with The Stage to win a year’s scholarship to attend their local Razzamataz Theatre School.
The selected students were (below, l-r) Avah Al-Geradi, age nine from Razzamataz Liverpool South; Harriet Silk, age twelve from Razzamataz Cambridge; Aimee Millward, age fifteen from Razzamataz Derby; Jessica Black, age fifteen from Razzamataz Medway and Georgie Mills, age fourteen from Razzamataz Sheffield.

To enter the children were asked to film a short demo of no more than two minutes long showing them performing either a musical theatre song and dance, street dance, pop song, drama improvisation or scripted drama piece. The demo did not have to be professionally filmed. Candidates also completed a short application form detailing why they wanted to take this opportunity.
As a professional performer, a photoshoot will be one of the most glamorous parts of the job. The students were incredibly excited to be given the opportunity to be styled by top make-up artists and hairdressers and then work alongside photographers to achieve a professional finish.

The Stage scholarship opportunity is open to all students within the Razzamataz network as well as anyone who has never had any training. Razzamataz has a number of scholarship opportunities throughout the year and has discovered youngsters who are now working professionally on the West End stage in hit shows such as Hamilton.

The scholarships also look to encourage young people to push beyond boundaries, such as Razzamataz Medway student Eloise Kemlo who has Type 1 Diabetes. This autoimmune disease affects the pancreas meaning that Eloise has to continually monitor her health to allow her to do the things she loves. Her Principal Emily Miller says: “Eloise was awarded The Stage Scholarship in 2018. There are times when Eloise can’t get involved through no fault of her own but she stays in the studio, she listens, she absorbs everything and comes back the next week knowing what she has missed and ready to embrace a new fresh week. She is a shining example of how when we are challenged, the human spirt can be lifted to achieve the impossible.”

The beauty of The Stage scholarships is that the judges are looking for potential so, by entering, it can be the start of a whole new chapter in a child’s life. “Some of our most talented students have come through scholarship auditions,” says Denise Hutton-Gosney, MD and Founder of Razzamataz. “It doesn’t matter if they have not been to any classes before, we are looking for a spark that we can nurture. Razzamataz offers training in both musical theatre and commercial genres in the disciplines of dance, drama and singing, so the students leave becoming ‘triple-threat’ performers.

any are accepted into prestigious performing arts colleges and are making a career in this highly competitive industry.”

For more info, visit:
Facebook: @RTSLtd
Instagram: @razzschools
Twitter: @razzschools
LinkedIn: Razzamataz Theatre Schools

Happy Birthday, Razzamataz! (Your News)

Happy Birthday, Razzamataz! (Your News)

A day & night of joyful celebration was the perfect way to welcome Razzamataz Theatre Schools to its twentieth year in business.

The franchise theatre school celebrated turning twenty with a glitzy and glamorous birthday party surrounded by principals, teachers and special guests.

The conference event was held at the spectacular Atmosphere Venues in Millbank, London, which was then followed by an awards ceremony, dinner and dancing onboard a luxury Thames Charter taking in some of the most iconic vistas of the capital.

Founder & MD, Denise Hutton-Gosney, kicked off the event in true party spirit, welcoming guests with party hats and competitions. The rest of the day followed suit by reflecting on an incredible twenty years and the friends made along the way.

Special guest speakers motivated and helped franchisees consider the year ahead in business and how to enjoy this incredible milestone, both personally and professionally. Penny Power (OBE) and her husband built the first social network for business people. It became a global online and offline home for over 650k business owners until it could no longer compete with the giants of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter and they lost the business in 2012, after fourteen years.

Penny, awarded an OBE in 2014 for the work done, has gone on to write two business books; Know Me Like Me Follow Me and Business is Personal. She shared her personal journey with Razzamataz franchisees and gave them the tools and mindset to build the life they want in business.

With branding and social media playing a large part in the Razzamataz business, franchisees were delighted to listen to Hannah Power, a personal branding specialist focused on supporting purpose-driven entrepreneurs to become powerful online leaders. Hannah’s goal is to inspire and teach as many people as possible to step into their light, share their message and lead their tribe. Her session inspired many franchisees to step out of their comfort zone online and share the Razzamataz ethos even further.

Emma Louise Campbell, Principal of Razzamataz Cambridge, said “The venues were incredible, speakers both informative and motivational, and so many ‘little touches’ throughout that truly made the day special.”

Other conference highlights came from the principals of Razzamataz schools up and down the country. Principal of Razzamataz Carlisle, Debbie Mitchell, has spoken a number of times on how to ‘Put On an Amazing Showcase’. This year she got her message over in an unforgettable way by changing the lyrics to The Lion King’s Be Prepared to offer a hilarious lesson in making sure no stone is left unturned when it comes to prepping for a big show.

Being part of the Razzamataz network enables principals to express their imaginative side. The Creative Awards celebrate all that our principals achieve through their work in their community and creatively. We were delighted that our guest judge Matt Lee Alliston, owner of The Stage and Production House, once again returned from the USA to share his experience and take on the task of sifting through such wonderful entries. “It is a privilege to be a part of these awards and I’m thankful to be working with the amazing team and phenomenally talented children of Razzamataz.”

The evening event on board a luxury Thames Charter was magical and provided the perfect backdrop to celebrate the award winners and their achievements. The awards were set up to highlight franchisees who go above and beyond in everything that they do and look to reward individuals who strive to add value to the Razzamataz brand at whatever stage of business they currently are.
“Thank you so much for the award,” says Michael French, Principal of Razzamataz Barnet and winner of the Future Fund Ambassador Award. “They really do mean so much to everyone and it’s such an amazing feeling knowing you are appreciated within the network.”

The evening event was attended by a host of special guests including Penny & Hannah Power, Richard Davies from What Franchise magazine, Charlotte Rutherford from The Stage newspaper, Sarah Canny and Claire Robinson from The Approved Franchise Association and Tessa Robinson from Club Hub UK.

“This was an incredibly special time for me and my team,” says Denise Hutton-Gosney. “We wanted the event to be memorable and reflect the support and fun that we have as a network. I’m very proud of the community we have created and the opportunities we have given to thousands of children over the last twenty years.”

Inclusivity in Theatre Schools (Summer School)

Inclusivity in Theatre Schools (Summer School)

By Denise Hutton-Gosney, MD & Founder of Razzamataz Theatre Schools

I was born in Renfrew, Scotland in 1972. I was the youngest of four children and money was very tight. I was a very shy child, but I loved to dance and although it was a stretch financially for me to attend dancing classes, my parents often went without so I could continue my passion which included competing in lots of disco dancing competitions.

After my career as a dancer, I knew I always wanted to stay within the performing arts industry, so I opened the first Razzamataz in 2000 with the vision to make performing arts available to all young people no matter their background or circumstances. We want to give children everywhere the chance to attend classes taught by experienced performers, who can give them the perfect introduction to the most wonderful industry in the world. Being a shy child, the one thing that helped me was performing and I wanted to make this accessible to more children. Performing arts gave me an inner-confidence and improved my self-esteem and although I loved to dance, I lacked belief in my singing and acting so I wanted to make sure that Razzamataz would focus on all three disciplines, giving students an edge in this competitive industry.

I’ve always wanted to give back to the community by offering scholarships, which has enabled children to try performing arts for the first time. We have been working with The Stage newspaper since 2008 to offer a full year’s scholarship to attend one of our schools across the UK but, even before this, I understood the need to provide financial assistance. In fact, I recently bumped into Danielle Fiamanya at The Stage Awards party. Danielle was one of the first students to receive one of our scholarships as she explains: “Razzamataz was the first theatre school I stepped into and I just wouldn’t be here without you and my scholarships at the school. Completely indebted to you.” Danielle is currently starring in &Juliet in the West End.

It’s now really important to consider not just the financial barriers that prevent children from enjoying performing arts; theatre schools must also look at what policies they have in terms of supporting children with additional needs. Children come in all shapes and sizes and will look just as different on the outside as they feel on the inside. When it comes to little ones, there should really be no one-size-fits-all approach.

Razzamataz Theatre Schools. Photo: Razzamataz

Students at our schools have to cope with a wide range of additional needs. This can be anything from dyslexia, autism or health complications. I have always believed that we must try and include as many children as possible and work with their parents so they can enjoy rich and fulfilling experiences that will help to boost their confidence, which ultimately can help them deal with their condition in a more positive way.

One of the benefits of sending young people to a franchise with a good reputation, is that each school is under strict obliga-tions to adhere to a stringent set of audits to ensure they are as inclusive as possible.

The success comes from meeting with parents and talking through each child’s care plan and if necessary we will arrange to meet with their medical professional to get some training. We will do absolutely all we can to ensure each child can enjoy our classes and meet new friends in a safe and caring environment.

For all young people, it is critical that the theatre school really engages with them. Classes and performances must be relevant to what they are going through. At the moment, there are so many shows that really speak to young people and we have loved watching our students adapting them at their own showcases across the UK and at our gala performance at Her Majesty’s Theatre in the West End.

Performing arts has the ability to offer young people a safe haven and a chance to connect with others. To make theatre schools more inclusive, these are the messages that we must continue to spread. Ultimately, it is not about any individual’s talent, it is about the life skills that you will learn in a team of people all wanting to grow and have fun together.

Call: 01768 213086 | Email: | Web:
Facebook: @RTSLtd | Instagram: @razzschools | Twitter: @razzschools
YouTube: RazzamatazTheatreSchoolsLtd | LinkedIn: Razzamataz Theatre Schools

Razzamataz Finalists (Your News)

Razzamataz Finalists (Your News)

By Paul Johnson

The Club Hub UK award finalists for 2020 have been announced. Ninety finalists, across fifteen award categories, have been shortlisted from a total of 1,019 applications, representing 388 businesses (100 more than last year)… including Razzamataz Theatre Schools.
Club Hub UK awards are independently judged by a panel of expert judges, most of whom are children’s activity professionals or specialists in their field.
Judges selected award winners based on their commitment to excellence, innovation and growth of their business through business performance, achievements, brand values and passion for what they do.
Razzamataz has been placed as a finalist under ‘Supplier of the Year’ …“for a company that provides a service for anyone in the kids activities industry whether that is insurance or bookings or marketing or admin or consultancy and so on.”
When: Saturday, 16 May 2020
Where: Macdonald Burlington Hotel, Burlington Arcade, 126 New Street, Birmingham B2 4JQ
