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South East ( 0 reviews)

Betty Blue Eyes

OPEN 13/10/2022 - 15/10/2022

Venue Name: Ingatestone & Fryerning Community Club Theatre

Venue Postcode: CM49ED


Credits: Alan Bennett and Malcolm Mowbray

Box Office phone number: 03336663366

Societies: Ingatestone Musical Operetta Group

It’s 1947. Belts are being tightened, and the Government is telling the country there’ll be fair shares for all if they can survive Austerity Britain. Having won the war, Britain seems to be losing the peace, as the country staggers under rationing, unemployment, and the coldest winter for decades.
The only bright spark on the horizon is the impending Royal Wedding of the young Princess Elizabeth and her Prince Philip. Meanwhile, a group of local officials are plotting to feather their own nests by taking rather more than their fair share.
Throw in a bumbling chiropodist called Gilbert, his aspirational wife Joyce and a pig called Betty… mix with a hilarious yet heart-tugging script, toe-tapping tunes plus a whole host of eccentric characters and we have a show you won’t want to miss!
Based on Alan Bennett’s 1984 film “A Private Function”, “Betty Blue Eyes” is Ingatestone Musical & Operetta Group (IMOG)’s first full musical production since the pandemic and we are very excited to bring this show to the stage in what promises to be a fantastic evening’s entertainment.
You can join us from Thursday 13th – Saturday 15th October at Ingatestone & Fryerning Community Club Theatre, with nightly performances at 7.30pm with a Saturday matinee at 2.30pm. Tickets are available via or our Ticketsource Box Office 0333 666 3366.
WIll Gilbert be able to pig-nap the porker destined for the royal banquet? Will provincial high society keep a ‘nobody’ like Joyce at the bottom of the pile? And will Gilbert’s dotty mother-in-law ever get to eat anything other than Spam?
Join Betty and friends for this laugh-out-loud, feel-good musical treat and find out!

  • : current/future_show
  • : 434941
  • : Ingatestone & Fryerning Community Club Theatre
  • : 13/10/2022
  • : CM49ED
  • : 15/10/2022
  • : South East
  • : Alan Bennett and Malcolm Mowbray
  • :
  • : £16
  • : 03336663366




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