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Good Things

OPEN 11/11/2022 - 19/11/2022

Venue Name: Abbey Theatre

Venue Postcode: AL12DL


Credits: Liz Lochhead

Box Office phone number: 01727857861

Societies: Company of Ten at Abbey Theatre

It’s amazing, the good things some people throw away …

Liz Lochhead shows us the gems amongst the cast-offs in her funny, moving, and ultimately life-affirming comedy, Good Things, playing in the Studio at the Abbey Theatre in November.

Good Things, originally written in 2004, is the story of Susan: in her late forties and dumped by her husband for a woman half her age, she’s left doing voluntary work in a charity shop, hoping speed-dating will come to her rescue.  Every day she deals with the slightly oddball set of characters who frequent this emporium of bric-a-brac, old LPs, and dresses that will fit nobody who’d want to wear them. But Susan firmly believes that there are always ‘good things’ to be discovered, and the laughs and pathos to be found along the way are, perhaps, the perfect tonic for our times. Lochhead may be better known as a poet than as a playwright – she was Makar, or National Poet of Scotland, from 2011 to 2016 – but she has an accurate ear for the intricacies of everyday speech and a strong sense of how her characters feel, which is clearly on display.

‘It is a true ensemble piece,’ says director David Bailey, ‘but not without its challenges.’ His talented cast of four, led by Kirsta Johnston as Susan and including Ben Hooker, Max Walters, and Lianne Weidmann, are all working incredibly hard. The script requires that two of the actors play multiple parts, meaning that everybody has had to be at every rehearsal. ‘It may be a comedy,’ David points out, ‘but the characters are all very well-drawn and have to be played with conviction.’

As befits a play set in a charity shop, the props department have had their work cut out more than most, particularly for a show being played in the Abbey Theatre’s Studio space. ‘Decorating a set to become a charity shop?  What fun, we thought – and of course it is,’ says Andrea Buxton, props manager. ‘Sometimes a prop has to become costume in a very quick character change, so there is a huge crossover between props and wardrobe. The studio setting is a factor, too – we can’t wait to bring this shop to life. There is still much sorting, painting, collecting, gathering, and set-dressing ahead.’

Performances take place in the Company of Ten Studio at the Abbey Theatre from Friday 11 to Saturday 19 November at 8:00pm, with a matinee on Sunday 13  November at 2:30pm and no performance on Monday 14 November.

To book tickets please go to or call the box office on 01727 857861.

  • : current/future_show
  • : 496108
  • : Abbey Theatre
  • : 11/11/2022
  • : AL12DL
  • : 19/11/2022
  • : east_of_england
  • : Liz Lochhead
  • :
  • : £13/£12 concession
  • : 01727857861




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