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North West ( 0 reviews)


OPEN 03/08/2022 - 06/08/2022

Venue Name: Guide Bridge Theatre

Venue Postcode: M345HJ


Credits: Martin P Roche

Box Office phone number: 01613308078

Societies: Guide Bridge Theatre

A new play
Written and directed by Martin P Roche
Los Angeles and an empty stage in a ‘dark’ theatre. An unexpected invitation to attend a read through for a play reunites three actresses for the first time in thirty years; thirty years since they rehearsed together, what was then a ‘new’ play, Gymnopédies. Thirty years of three very different lives which now converge for one brief day. One day to reacquaint, to rehearse, to reconcile, to remember. But what else might happen when you are forced to remember, not just the make-believe of theatre, but also the reality of the past? The past is a big place when you need a somewhere to hide.  But not when you’re trying to hide from yourself.
This two act play represents one day, a brief window through which we see the three women revealed, warts and all. Their journey is not finalised by the end; the end of their day back together is, in effect, a new beginning for all of them. And reconnecting with each other affords them an opportunity to embrace their dreams and the lives which they realise are still within their reach. To finally put to bed their respective demons and rediscover hope, contentment, self-worth, fulfilment, friendship, and vitally, themselves.
  • : current/future_show
  • : 467766
  • : Guide Bridge Theatre
  • : 03/08/2022
  • : M345HJ
  • : 06/08/2022
  • : North West
  • : Martin P Roche
  • :édies
  • : 9.50
  • : 01613308078




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