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South West ( 0 reviews)

The Railway Children

OPEN 22/09/2022 - 24/09/2022

Venue Name: Durley Memorial Hall

Venue Postcode: SO322AR


Credits: By E, Nesbit Adapted by Dave Simpson

Box Office phone number: 07871006551

Societies: Bishopstoke Players

“Daddy!! Oh my Daddy!”

Who can resist that timeless line?

Bishopstoke Players’ next production is that much-loved family classic, ‘The Railway Children’.

It’s an extra special one for us as this is the show closest to our 75th anniversary.  Yes, that’s right, we’ve been treading the boards of Bishopstoke and beyond, and supporting Action for Children since 1947!

Since ‘The Railway Children’ was published in 1906, Edith Nesbit’s novel has become a classic which has been read and loved by successive generations of children the world over, as well as delighting cinema and TV audiences.  Now its appeal is widened still further with Dave Simpson’s adventurous yet sensitive stage adaptation of the original novel.

Set in and around a country railway station at the turn of the last century, the plight of the Railway Children grappling with their new environment is imaginatively brought to life for a modern audience whilst losing nothing of the original spirit of humour, adventure and the final triumph of good over evil.

With the closure of Bishopstoke Memorial Hall we’re unable to celebrate this milestone in Bishopstoke but please join us in Durley Memorial Hall from 22nd to 24th September at 7.30 each evening, with a matinee at 2.30pm on the Saturday.  Tickets are only £10 (under 18s: £8) and available now from (no booking fee), or email, or phone 07871 006551.

As always, proceeds are donated annually to Action for Children.

  • : current/future_show
  • : 41307
  • : Durley Memorial Hall
  • : 22/09/2022
  • : SO322AR
  • : 24/09/2022
  • : South West
  • : By E, Nesbit Adapted by Dave Simpson
  • :
  • : £10.00 (£8.00 for under 18's)
  • : 07871006551




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