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South East ( 0 reviews)

What’s Wrong with Benny Hill

OPEN 14/09/2023 - 14/09/2023

Venue Name: Barn Theatre

Venue Postcode: RH80AA


Credits: Mark Carey

Box Office phone number: 01959561811

Societies: Barn Theatre

What’s Wrong with Benny Hill? Is being performed by Giles Shenton Productions on Thursday 14 September at 7.30pm.

Benny Hill died alone in his spartan flat in 1992, he was 68. His body was undiscovered for several days.

Benny was, had been and still is, one of the most successful comedians of all time.

When Apollo Eleven landed on the moon in 1969, millions watched live on TV but that evening many more had tuned in to The Benny Hill Show.

Today The Benny Hill Show is broadcast regularly in over a hundred countries around the world. In Britain he has, effectively been “cancelled”.

“What’s Wrong with Benny Hill?” is a brand-new comedy that explores the life and legacy of a very peculiar and brilliant comedian. It tells the story of his life and shows why he was considered by many of his peers to be the best, an “Imperial Clown”.

Benny was Charlie Chaplin’s favourite comedian. Anthony Burgess described him as “One of the great artists of our age.” He has millions of avid fans all over the world so why has he been airbrushed from British Comedy History? Why is there no statue or memorial in his home town of Southampton?

Mark Carey, in his latest play sets out to address these questions and to show how funny this unique and deeply private man was.

“What’s wrong with Benny Hill? The hilarious new comedy featuring Mark Carey and Dani Carbery.

Tickets costing just £15.00 are available from

  • : current/future_show
  • : 41198
  • : Barn Theatre
  • : 14/09/2023
  • : RH80AA
  • : 14/09/2023
  • : South East
  • : Mark Carey
  • :
  • : 15.00
  • : 01959561811




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