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Our Man in Havana

Our Man in Havana

Our Man In Havana is a cold war comedy satire.  Graham Greene is perhaps better known for his darker novels such as Brighton Rock, but the shorter more amusing ‘entertainments’ as he dubbed them include this cold war satire.  Some may remember the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.  It was, for a few weeks, a display of cold war brinkmanship between the USSR and US that brought the World perilously close to nuclear Armageddon.  It is even the main plotline of X-Men: First Class.  Yet this novel was written 4 years before that occurred; a case of life imitating art perhaps?   What makes this more than a straight page to stage adaptation is Clive Francis’ clever use of 4 actors to multi role in a fast and frenetic version that borrows conceptually from The 39 Steps, though it is darker in subject. 

  • : past_show
  • : 374147
  • : The Rondo Theatre, Bath
  • : 06/11/2021
  • : Graham Greene (adapted by Clive Francis)