For theatre... online, non-professional, amateur
The Kitchen Sink

The Kitchen Sink

“This is a very good place to come from. Cos it’s knackered and funny and it’s falling in the sea… But it’s not a good place to end up.”

Kath is preparing a special dinner for a difficult conversation, whilst on the table a piece of Martin’s milk float is slowly oozing oil. Billy’s dreams of going to art college depend on Dolly Parton’s sequins and Soph’s alright — or is she?

With the kitchen sink on its last legs, will the family pull together or will their dreams go down the plughole?

A tender play about big dreams and small changes.

Performances will take place at the Church of the Ascension Hall in Beaufort Road, Ealing W5 3EB on:

  • Wednesday 20th July 2022 at 8pm
  • Thursday 21st July 2022 at 8pm
  • Friday 22nd July 2022 at 8pm
  • Saturday 23rd July 2022 at 7pm
  • : current/future_show
  • : 40209
  • : Church of the Ascension Hall
  • : 20/07/2022
  • : W53EB
  • : 23/07/2022
  • : Greater London
  • : Tom Wells
  • :
  • : 10.50-13
  • : 07730572389