For theatre... online, non-professional, amateur
Curtain Up On Murder

Curtain Up On Murder

In this thriller with a comic seam, an amateur drama company is rehearsing in the theatre at the end of the pier. Storms rage overhead, the sea seethes below and they find the doors locked- they are trapped! Then a mysterious presence passes across the stage, the Assistant Stage Manager falls to certain death through a trapdoor, and the remaining actors – seeing their number cut one by one – are thrown into disarray. Their panic reaches fever
pitch as the survivors fear the murderer is coming for them.

Directed by Ian Byfield

  • : current/future_show
  • : 40902
  • : Halifax Playhouse
  • : 07/06/2022
  • : HX12SH
  • : 11/06/2022
  • : Yorkshire
  • : Bettine Manktelow
  • :
  • : £6 to £12
  • : 01422365998